Cheaters are using synthetic urine in the state of Colorado. And its use is increasing. Wonder why? Well, marijuana has been legalized in that state. And, that means employees who use it are trying to beat the system of drug testing for marijuana. And, they have apparently found a way.
Fox31 in Denver Colorado did a report on how synthetic urine helps individuals beat their drug tests.
Their report indicates that Illinois, Arkansas and Maryland have banned the sale, possession or use of synthetic urine and other methods of subverting employee drug tests. But products that have a primary purpose of helping drug users pass employment screenings are legal in Colorado. (And, by the way, do you really think individuals using marijuana in those states that have banned synthetic urine really will obey the law)
Does the stuff actually work? The simple answer, states the report, is yes. The chemical properties in the premixed urea are nearly identical to the real deal. Many are specially formulated for a balanced pH and have elements, like creatinine, added.
In the undercover tests conducted by the television station, personnel at a collection center failed to catch them turning in a synthetic urine sample. Then the collection center failed to identify the mixture as fake. The donor received an “all clear” notice from his employer a few days later.
The undercover investigation also revealed individuals in collection centers that would substitute fake urine for the donor for a fee.
How do you as an employer test for illegal drugs and still find people using illegal drugs? EASY – use oral fluid drug testing.
Oral fluid is an alternative specimen that cannot be diluted, substituted or adulterated. This specimen is the easiest to collect and the hardest to cheat. Saliva mirrors any substances currently in the donor’s blood. It is most effective at catching recent use of a drug. As long as the collection process is observed by a competent manager, dilution, substitution and adulteration is virtually impossible.
Call us to discuss how simple and effective oral fluid drug testing can be.